Welcome to the Grant Ching Water Boxing Association site

Thanks for stopping by to see what the art of water boxing and my association are all about. Because sites packed with information on the art’s history, theory, and lineage (including my teacher’s site here) already exist, I’ve tried to limit that type of content.

Instead, I’ll be keeping this site relatively clean and concise. And my posts will likely go beyond the art of water boxing to include other arts as well as my own experiences, perspectives, and revelations.

Last but not least, I must thank my girl, Jennifer Pakradouni, for the absolutely amazing logo design. She has the eye of both a graphic and a martial artist—she’s not only wonderfully creative, but she’s also an accomplished Hung Gar practitioner who leaves bruises on my arms!

Enjoy the site, and please visit regularly.

Published by

Water Boxer

Based in Los Angeles, instructor Grant Ching is one of the only water-boxing (Liu He Ba Fa Chuan) teachers in the United States. He primarily teaches water boxing's main form, Zhu Ji, as well as Xingyi Chuan's five old fists.